His Films
His goal is to entertain the audience, make them feel emotions, laugh, cry, astonish, admire, hate, fear, defeat, dream, melancholy and love.
Talents: Creative – Storyteller – Production Design – Machine Design and construction
Technical: Producer – Executive Producer – Entrepreneur
His Films
- Reconciliacion
- The Poet
- Ashes in Paradice
- Desconexion
- Engaño a Primera Vista
- The Wynwood Thief
Original Title – Engaño a Primera Vista
Theme – Looks are deceitful; honesty is always best.
Genre – Romantic / Comedy
Tagline – The things two nerds are willing to do for a Mac computer.
Protagonists – Two nerdy brothers and two drop-dead gorgeous women.
Log line – Two extremely nerdy brothers are hell-bent on winning the laptop of their dreams, but in order to do so they must, in only 48 hours, get a kiss from two gorgeous girls who are completely out of their league.
Sinopsis – Two painfully nerdy brothers: a disorganized, disheveled and a bit arrogant 24-year old, and an obsessively organized, calculating and shy 22-year old, work free- lance xing computers, developing apps and editing corporate videos to make ends meet and pay the old, annoying landlady that rents them a small studio. One day they meet with their 3 buddies, as usual, at the 2×1 Wednesdays at MegaCenter, the local Mall/Cine-complex, and by accident spill soda on one of their netbooks, a key work tool for them, which short-circuits and burns. This leads them to…
Yecid Benavides & Viktoriia Merkulova
Crew and Cast
Yecid- Viktoriia- Jordi Chaparro
Leonel, Yecid and Viktoriia
Yecid Benavides
Viktoriia & Yecid
Yecid Benavides
Viktoriia & Yecid
Yecid & Viktoriia
2012 – Short Film – DESCONEXION

The story of DESCONEXION comes to the mine of Yecid when he is talking to his son Johanan and both are walking down one of the principal avenues of La Paz, the subject is what would be a good story for a short film. Randomly Yecid tells Johanan what about this story, at the site he invents DESCONEXION and the elaboration of the idea and the scrip began. The three of them Yecid, Yecid Jr. and Johanan worked in getting this script done
Location: La Paz, Bolivia
Yecid Benavides
Yecid Benavides
The Room
Johanan Benavides
Yecid Benavides
Yecid Benavides
2011 – Music Video – TUPAY
Production Tupay video clip one of the best musical productions of Bolivia. It has created a new idea of making videos of bolivian typical music.
Location: La Paz, Bolivia
Yecid Benavides
Fraternidad de Morenos
2010 – Short Film – TIC TAC
Co-producer of the short film Tic Tac Directed by Gato Pino
Location: Tarija, Bolivia
Gato Pino
Yecid Benavides
The Clown
2009 – Discovery Channel – BONE DETECTIVE EPISODE
Actor in the Discovery Channel series “Bone Detective” episode filmed in Bolivia
Location: TiwanaKu, Bolivia
Yecid Benavides
Filming in Tiwanaku
Rufina Callisaya
2009 – Short Film – RING RING
Co-producer of the short film Ring Ring Directed by Fred Nuñez
Título: Ring Ring
Año: 2009
Duración: 00:15:00
Género: Fiction
Formato: Red One
Sinopsis: Chichito tiene 4 años. Todos los sábados un teléfono suena por la tarde. Él y sus hermanos corren a contestar, pero por algún motivo Chichito no consigue contestar nunca. Una historia sencilla, intimista, que intenta relatar los vacíos y soledades de la sociedades contemporáneas.
País: Bolivia
Procedencia: Santa CruzDirección: Núñez, Fred , Heinrich, Mónica
Production: Fred Núñez
Co-production: Yecid Benavides
Guión: Fred Núñez
Fotografía: Juan Miranda
Sonido: Hugo Conde
Música: Wilder Zegalles
Edición: Mónica Heinrich
Arte: César Morón
Reparto: David Fabricio Torrito, Georgina Zeballos, Jorge Zeballos.Contacto: Mónica Heinrich
Correo Electrónico: imogenita@yahoo.com
David Fabricio Torrito
Fred Nuñez
Yecid Benavides
Filming in Tiwanaku
Rufina Callisaya
2009 – Feature Film – RED YELLOW AND GREEN
Associate Producer of the feature film “Red, Yellow and Green”. From the Directors Rodrigo Bellot, and Sergio Martin Bulouq Vastani
Synopsis: Una madre que enfrenta la muerte, un niño que se ha perdido de casa, y un joven que desea tener una madre.
Location: Santa Cruz, Tarija and Cochabamba Bolivia
Year: 2009
Time: 95 min.
Country: Bolivia
Director: Sergio Bastani, Rodrigo Bellott, Martín Boulocq
Script: Rodrigo Hasbún, Sergio Bastani, Claudia Peña
Music: Daniel Boulocq, Andrés Barba
Photography: Borja Gjurinovic, Daniela Cajías, John Fitzgerald
Cast: Patricia Garcia, Daniel Aguirre Camacho, Santiago Rozo, Ismael Suárez,Lorena Sugier, Diego Paesano, Iglae Mohebbi
Production Companys: LONDRA Films P&D / Artistas Latinos Corp. / PUCARA Films / 2K Expansión / FUNDAV / LA MAQUINA DE SUEÑOS / LOCANGO Films
Gender: Drama / Episodic Film
Johanan Benavides
Rojo Amarillo y Verde
Yecid Jr.- Rodrigo - Johanan
2007 – Feature Film – THE ANDES DON’T BELIEVE IN GOD
Production and affiliation in “The Andes don’t believe in God” fiction feature film and production under the direction of Antonio Eguino
Location: Uyuni, Bolivia.
The Poster
The Family
The Train
The Crew
The Train
2007 – Feature Film – WHO KILLED THE WHITE LLAMA
Participated in the production and acted in “ Who Killed the White Llama” fiction feature film directed by Rodrigo Bellot, produced by The Factory and Buena Onda Films.
Location: La Paz, Oruro, Santa Cruz.
The Poster
Yecid Jr.
Erika Andia
Roberto Lanza
Roberto Lanza, Yecid Benavides y Rodrigo Bellot
Roberto Lanza
Roberto Lanza
Johanan, Dennis Udwin and Yecid Jr.
2006 – Documentary – RECONCILIATION
Together with a group of pastors from the city of Potosi, the Honorable municipal government, the Catholic Church, the Administrative Office of Culture and other institutions organize the reconciliation event between official representatives of Spain, Potosi Miners representatives, Ayllus Corporation representatives originals of Potosí (ACFM), Quechua Mallkus and Afro Bolivian representatives. The event took place at the Mint. The focus of this event was the reconciliation between Spanish and Quechua (from Bolivia) through forgiveness. This was a historical event that has left a mark in Potosi and Bolivia. In the central square is a plaque testifying to the event.
Location: Potosí